My main area of interest appears to be green models from the Allied WWII European Theatre - 1944-45.
I go astray a few times, but usually go back there.
I am not a master modeler and I am not showing off, just using this as a venue to express myself and show people who are interested in this kind of stuff what I have done.

Saturday 10 August 2013

Update Sherman M4A3 (76mm) Thunderbolt VI - Aug 10/2013

More detail work in this update, seems like the small things take as much time or more than the big things, while hardly noticeable to the average eye :) .

The big thing I have done last night that I have not attempted before is the streaking on the large flat side of a Sherman.

I dabbled with it on the "yellow" Jagdpanther, but taking lessons from Andreas Grewin's fabulous Sherman Jumbo I was able to go further with it by doing almost a whole panel, instead of selective large streaks.

Still a ways to go. I have to put on the big streaks from the overflow of the gas tank refilling cap, and have to do the mud splatters on the running gear, and lower front and back.

No pictures of it, but this morning there are more highlite details with pinwashes around the small details the bogey wheels. I have also cleaned up the tracks a little, adding more mud for consistency where there was little, and I have used my graphite pencil to make the constant contact points of the track/sprocket shiny.

I also toned down the large streaks on the transmission cover, I thought it drew too much attention.

As well,I have a stowage pack for the rear deck coming from Value Gear Models. It looks like this (Manufacturer photo of painted product on an unfinished model).

More to come. Stay tuned ( I am on vacation and getting at this regularly).

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