My main area of interest appears to be green models from the Allied WWII European Theatre - 1944-45.
I go astray a few times, but usually go back there.
I am not a master modeler and I am not showing off, just using this as a venue to express myself and show people who are interested in this kind of stuff what I have done.

Tuesday 30 July 2013

Update Sherman M4A3 (76mm) Thunderbolt VI

A little more progress on the weathering. I was not thrilled that the brighter modulation on the upper glacis and the forward part of the top of the turret did not blend as well with the rest of the colours. It stood out too much (bright) for me, so I tried something new, I filtered using Testors Olive Drab enamel on those spots to tone down the light parts and draw it right into the darker parts by lightening those edges slightly with the same olive drab. I think it made a bit of a difference (6 filters over 4 days should!!). Just to be clear, I used the dot filter method, put little dabs of Olive Drab all over the bright spots and then with a wide brush with a bit of thinner on it, worked it until the dots were gone, but made a translucent shift in the tone. The chips underneath remained intact, if a little faded. Still nice though I think.

I also did some washes around the raised parts to highlite/create shadows on them.

Next I need to have a good close look at the overall finish to see if I need to work any more filters to blend.

After that it is going to be some streaking down some of the sides and front, some oil splotchs on the engine deck and maybe the front, then some pigments for mud and splatters.

Maybe some mud pigments fixed on the fenders and deck, tracked up there by the tankers boots. hmm..  yeah.

Stay tuned...

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