My main area of interest appears to be green models from the Allied WWII European Theatre - 1944-45.
I go astray a few times, but usually go back there.
I am not a master modeler and I am not showing off, just using this as a venue to express myself and show people who are interested in this kind of stuff what I have done.

Sunday 29 June 2014

Canadian LAV III Afghanistan - Update June 29, 2014

A couple of little details painted, and the last bit of paint before I clear coat in order to start the weathering.
I painted the wheel wells Khaki Drab overall first, then shot it with Buff on the highlites, the back drop is then more brown than green for the areas not covered, simulating old dirt.

So far... First shot with old camera on the workbench with left side wheels dry fitted. They have been painted and weathered with light brown oil, then pigments over all that, each - 9 times including spare...

Second shot in the light tent with new camera.

Next is a coat of Future, then filters, washes with oil paints, and anything else.

To be continued.....

Saturday 21 June 2014

Canadian LAV III Afghanistan - Update June 21, 2014

Details, Details, Details

I hadn't worked on this since April. May was busy at home with renovations, busy at work with trips, and the flu.

June and school is winding down and I got a chance to put some work into the details of this one.

Painting all the little detail parts: lights, tools (not attached yet), TBar antenna leads, lift hooks, recognition wedge and color modulation on some of the prominent details, add-on armor bolts, (anything that sticks up really).
I have it almost ready to clear coat to start weathering. Just going to let the paint gas out for a few days.

Here is what it looks like today.
Oh Yeah, I got a new camera and gear. New to me, Nikon D60. Chris upgraded to a 7100, and I took the D60.